Kids Online

Kids Online

Extra Resources for You and Them

Digital Resources for Kids (Parents Too!)

We’re fully aware that a kid’s best ministry program is learning from their parent or guardian about Jesus. It doesn’t matter what your parenting life looks like: a guardian of foster kids, parents of a small army, godparent or parent of your first newborn. We’re here to support and surround you with tools you can use to share the love of Jesus with your kids. Check out the resources below:

Still Waters Kids Lessons

Our theme for the April is:


God is in control and knows the entire story of our lives. Because of Jesus, we also know how the story ends. We can be patient when we remember what God has done. God is also patient with us. When we wait well we reflect God's patience to others.

When you think you can't wait, think twice.

April 14 Parent Guide Kids Devotional

When you have to wait, remember what's true.

April 21 Parent Guide Kids Devotional

God is with you while you wait.

April 28 Parent Guide Kids Devotional

Our theme for the March was:


When Jesus died on the cross, He made peach between God and us. We can have peace-and we can share the peace of God with others. We can reflect the character of Jesus by caring enough to make peace.

Our theme for the February was:


The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it. That's why we should show responsibility. We should use our stuff the way God wants us to, follow through with whaat we need to do, and show others that we can be trusted with anything.

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