Breakthrough Prayer Challenge
Inspired by the words in Matthew 6:10, "Your kingdom come, Your will be done, On Earth as it is in Heaven", we invite everyone to pray our Breakthrough Prayer every day at 6:10 am and/or 6:10 pm.
Gracious God,
Bring us to the place you need us,
and give us the strength and courage
to be who you need us to be.
What Is Breakthrough Prayer?
Every church recognizes that prayer is important. But what happens when a congregation unites to pray collectively and consistently for God to break through in new and miraculous ways?
What Breakthrough Prayer is NOT:
Breakthrough Prayer does NOT replace any prayer practices we already have. It is in addition to our prayers for one another, our prayer in worship, our prayer in meetings, etc. It is not just a prayer class, prayer committee, prayer small group, prayer meeting, or sermon series.
What Breakthrough Prayer IS:
Breakthrough prayer is when God’s people join together in an intentional prayer movement across all ages to simply and repeatedly pray. It is a petition to God to do new things, beyond our imagining, bigger than we could possibly do on our own - without boundaries, without limits without anticipated outcome.