Holy Yoga is a place for you to connect with Jesus. The goal of our gatherings is to provide a space for you to connect with God through His word, worship music, prayer, breath work, and movement. Everyone is welcome, regardless of your season of faith or physical abilities. If He’s led you here then He has something more for you. Healing. Hope. Rest. Community. A fresh encounter. A new beginning. Whatever it is, we are here for you.
Holy Yoga embraces the essential elements of yoga: breath work, meditation and physical postures. In all of these elements, Christ is the focus of our intention and worship. Our programs and teachings place emphasis on the complete wellbeing of your body and soul. So, they are not to be performed, but to be lived. And our Christ-centered yoga philosophy doesn’t focus on what you have been, but on the person you are becoming in Christ. Our passion drives our mission by creating space for a life-changing transformation. Through Holy Yoga, you will learn and live a life’s journey of inspiration, fellowship and spirituality.
Simply put, our soul is the essence of who we are. It can be described as our hidden or spiritual self and is comprised of our mind, thoughts, feelings, heart, will, choices, physical body and social relationships. Each of these aspects creates the real person and is the source of how we live outwardly. Therefore, soul care is how we work with God in all these dimensions. At Holy Yoga, we believe if we nourish the inner self (our soul) the external fruit will take care of itself and positively affect marriages, parenting, vocation, and service for the glory of God. For an individual to live and serve their highest calling it takes a person being supported by a soul completely saturated with God’s agape love.