Saturday Evening Services start at 5:00 pm (Labor Day through Memorial Day). Sunday services are at 9:00 am and 10:30 am. Complimentary coffee is offered at all services.
There is plenty of on-site parking in front of the church. When you enter the building through the front doors, the sanctuary is to the left.
When you arrive, you will be greeted as you enter the front entrance. The sanctuary is on the left. An usher will hand you a bulletin as you enter the sanctuary. If you would like a tour the facility, please let the greeter know. We love to give tours!
We have childcare during the two Sunday worship services for children 0-3 years of age. However, children of any age are welcome in the sanctuary.
We have a time that we call "Still Waters Kids" for children ages 3 years to 5th grade. Activities for Still Waters Kids take place in the education wing of our church every Sunday. Near the end of each worship service, teachers will bring the children into the sanctuary to join their parents for the Children's Message.
Still Waters Church is handicap accessible. Everything is on one level and restrooms are accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available near the front entrance.
There are no seating plans so you may sit wherever you feel most comfortable. We have padded chairs (no pews). Seating is spaced to help maintain recommended social distance. Sanitation protocols are in place to maintain a healthy environment.
There is no dress code. Dress comfortably. Come as you are!
During the worship service we invite everyone to connect to God through contemporary worship music provided by our praise band or SWYM Youth Band, prayer, and a meaningful message. (We never point out newcomers or ask them to stand. We were all newcomers at one time and know how important it is to feel comfortable!)
We offer Holy Communion on the first weekend of the each month and during special worship services. You need not be a member of Still Waters to participate in Communion, simply acknowledge that you are a child of God and you are welcome. (We serve gluten-free bread for Communion.)