
Ready to grow in faith?

Wednesday Night Lenten Study Groups

“Questions Jesus Asked”

Lent is the 40-day season that precedes Easter. It is a time of reflection, study, and preparation as we symbolically walk with Jesus toward the cross and resurrection. This year, we are again planning a church-wide study! On five Wednesday evenings, beginning March 12th, we will meet at church for dinner and small groups.  This is an excellent opportunity if you're new to Still Waters or have been here for a long time to get to know some new people and dive deeper into your faith. Here’s the Wednesday schedule:

  • 6:00: Dinner (optional) ready for you! This provides a quick and convenient alternative for families so you don’t have to rush to get food before coming to church. 
  • 6:30: Video shown in sanctuary. The video will intro the material to be discussed in small groups that night. It is based on the reading for that night.
  • 6:45 - 7:45 pm: Meet in small study groups in different areas in the church

Each adult study small group will be studying a book upon which the Lenten Sermon series is based. The book is “Questions Jesus Asked” by Magrey R. Devega, (cost $13 for the book and it is available at church.) We all have questions for God, but sometimes we forget that Jesus has questions for us! Sometimes our greatest growth happens when we ask ourselves the same questions that Jesus asks of us. This will be a wonderful time of fellowship, study, and digging deeper into our faith as we journey to the cross and resurrection with Jesus.

Wednesday Evening Lenten Study

Tuesday Morning Group Meeting

In addition to the Wednesday night small groups, our Tuesday morning group will also continue meeting during Lent, reading the same book, “Questions Jesus Asked.” Meetings will be 5 weeks, beginning March 11, 10:00 a.m. Robin Jasinski leading.

Tuesday Morning Study
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