Thank you for your faithfully resourcing God's ministry and mission though Still Waters Church.
You can give through the:
Realm is our Church Database and a unique online community for Still Waters Church members and guests. In Realm, you can join groups, get important church news, contact others, give online, view photographs, and much more. If you would like an invitation to join Realm, please contact through the button below and she can help. Once you set up your account, please use the links below to access helpful tips and resources.
Leave your checkbook at home and support the church even when you can't make it to worship! Give electronically from your checking or savings account. Forms are available to print by clicking the buttons below or in the church office . You are in control - you can change the amount and/or stop at any time. Contact John Haas for more information.
Offering envelopes are available for your regular giving.
If you would like a set feel free to contact John Haas our Business Manager by sending him a message.
Our scrip program gives members and friends the power to raise funds all the time, without doing anything more than using Scrip gift cards to pay for our everyday shopping. More than 100 Scrip cards are available for stores, restaurants, gas stations and movies! Buy the card at face value and Still Waters receives a percentage of the cost. Stop by the Scrip Counter on Sunday between services to make a purchase or during the week stop in at the office. Funds raised are used for church activities and expenses that are beyond the budget. Contact Robin Olson (262-366-5243) or John Haas (262-617-7004) for more information!