What are the limitless possibilities of what God might do this Lenten season and beyond, if we deepen our connection to Him? As we began preparing for our Lenten series, “Teach Us to Pray,” God began moving in ways that I had not imagined. As our staff began to plan for Lent, we realized that Lent was the perfect time, not only to study the Lord’s Prayer, but to provide many ways that we might each grow in our connection to God as we pray for one another, those who are struggling in a variety of ways, and pray for those not yet among our faith family. We have already begun a practice this week of more intentional prayer. Several of us walked the sanctuary and prayed for everyone who will be in worship this weekend, whether in our sanctuary or online. What would happen if we “Pray More in 2024”? What are the possibilities if we all go intentionally deeper into prayer this season? How might God move to lead us beside still waters, to restore our souls? How might God do more in and through us than we could even think to ask for or imagine? May this be a season of restoration and Kingdom movement at Still Waters Church. We’ll have many opportunities to deepen our God-connection this Lenten season. I invite you to begin by filling out the attached prayer form and return to us, either through email or in the offering at worship, just indicating some possibilities for your God-connection through prayer this season!
For family near and peaceable, Lord we give thanks.
For family far and conflicted, Lord we give thanks.
For the ones easy to love, Lord we give thanks.
For the ones we fight to love, Lord we give thanks.
For the people who see as we see, Lord, we give thanks.
For people we don’t understand, Lord, we give thanks.
For people who don’t understand us, Lord, we give thanks.
For easy conversation and expressed affection, Lord, we give thanks.
For gentle discord within discourse, Lord, we give thanks.
For unity, not sameness, Lord, we give thanks.
For charity in all things, Lord, we give thanks.
For a world that reflects your goodness, Lord we give thanks.
For humankind that bears your image, Lord, we give thanks.
For a day when we’ll delight in our differences and not just tolerate them,
For a gathering of every tribe and every tongue,
For a table and a feast today, anticipating the one we’ll enjoy with You someday,
Lord, we give thanks. Amen.
- Sarah Bauer Anderson, “The Space Between Us,” p. 245-247